The Aloadae |
Otus and Ephialte. |
The Gigantes |
Giants |
Male |
- Poseidon and Iphimedeia 2,3&19*
- or Aloeus and Iphimedeia11*(daughter of Triopas of Thessaly)
Unknown |
The Aloadae were strong, handsome and daring giants. Every month they grew nine fingers taller and, aged 9, they were 9 fathoms (16.5m or 54ft tall.
They were called the Aloadae after their stepfather.
The Aloadae planned an audacious attack on Mount Olympus to gain Hera for Ephialtes and Artemis for Otus. After piling Mount Ossa and Mount Pelion on top of Mount Olympus they, according to Apollodorus, threatened to change land into sea and sea into land. According to Homer they managed to abduct Ares and imprison him in a bronze jar for a lunar year (13 months) where he would have died but was secretly released by Hera who was tipped off by Eriboea, stepmother of Otus and Ephialtes.Their death is unclear. Apollodorus says they were tied to pillars, by serpents, facing away from each other and perpetually tortured by the shrieks of Styx in the form of an owl in Hades. This is consistent with Homer’s Odyssey concise version which says Apollo destroys them before their beards began to appear. According to Pindar, Artemis appears in the form of a stag, on the island of Naxos, runs between them, they both threw their spears and end up killing each other. Hyginus substitutes Apollo as the stag instead of Artemis. Alternatively Diodorus reports the Aloadae were sent by their father Aloeus to rescue their mother Iphimedeia and daughter Pancratis, who had been carried off by Thracians. After catching and defeating the Thracians on the island of Naxos they stayed and ruled over the Thracians but killed each other in a dispute between them.Pausanias states the Aloadae introduced the cult of the Muses to Mount Helicon in Boeotia which they consecrated to them and founded the town of Ascra.
The Aloadae are often confused with the Gigantes in the Gigantomachy97*. Despite being giants, the Aloadae, with just two members are one of the smallest Greek mythology groups. |
The Alseid (Alsea) |
Nymphs |
Unknown |
Nymphs of glens, pleasant woods and groves2*. One of many Greek mythology groups with an incomplete list of names. |
The Anemoi
(Winds) |
Wind deities:
- Boreas (North wind, bringer of cold winter air)
- Notus (South wind, bringer of the storms of late summer and autumn)
- Eurus (East wind)
- Zephyrus (West wind, bringer of light spring and early summer breezes).
The Astra |
Wind deities |
Male |
The Astra |
The Venti |
Orphic cosmogony refers to 4 lesser Anemoi representing the north-east, south-east, north-west, and south-west winds. One of the Greek mythology groups with a fixed number of members. |
The Astra
(Planets) |
The Astra Planeta (Five planets):
- Stilbon (Mercury); Shining one. Sacred to Hermes
- Eosphoros (Venus); Dawn bringer or morning star. Earlier it was believed Venus in the morning and evening were separate celestial bodies. Phosphorus meaning light bringer and Hesperus meaning evening star. Venus was sacred to Aphrodite
- Pyroeis (Mars); Fiery one. Sacred to Ares
- Phaethon (Jupiter); Blazing one. sacred to Zeus
- Phainon (Saturn); Shining one. Sacred to Cronus.
The Anemoi |
Planet deities |
Male |
Astraeus (Titan) and Eos |
The Anemoi |
The Astra Planeta were the five sons of the Titan Astraeus , the Greek god of dusk, and Eos, the Greek goddess of the dawn. Astra Planeta is commonly translated to “wandering stars”, the five classical planets believed to be heavenly bodies that moved against the background of fixed stars.
Phaethon should not be confused with Phaethon, son of Helios. |
The Aurae (the Aurai) |
Unnamed nymphs |
Aura |
Nymphs |
Female |
Oceanus or Boreas (God of the North wind). |
Unknown |
The Aurae could disappear into thin air like ghosts and start and stop breezes. Cousins of the Harpies. One of the Greek mythology groups with an incomplete list of names.
The Boreads
(Wind brothers) |
Zephyrus and Calaïs |
Jason and the Argonauts. |
Immortals |
Male |
Boreas and Oreithyia |
Unknown |
The Boreads (Wind brothers) are the winged sons of Boreas (God of the North wind) who became immortal.
As Argonauts the brothers held off monsters during the rescue of the blind soothsayer Phineus from the Harpies. The Boreads persuaded the Argonauts to set sail without waiting for Heracles who was trying to find his kidnapped friend Hylas. The insult was not forgotten and, after completing his twelve labors, Heracles tracked down the Boreads and killed them both with arrows. With just two members the Boreads are one of the smallest Greek mythology groups.
Associated with Jason and the Argonauts. |
The Charities
(The Graces) |
The Elder Charities:
- Children of Zeus and Eurynome (or Dionysus and Aphrodite):
- Charis/Aglaea (Splendor, also wife of Hephaestus)
- Euphrosyne (Mirth) daughter
- Thalia (Good cheer) daughter.
The Younger Charities:
- Children of Hephaestus and Aglaea:
- Eucleia (Good repute)
- Eupheme (Acclaim)
- Euthenia (Prosperity)
- Philophrosyne (Welcome).
- Children of Dionysus and Hera:
- Pasithea
(Relaxation) wife of Hypnos.
Charities worshiped by the Spartans:
- Cleta (Fame/Glory)
- Phaenna (Radiant).
Other Charities:
- Auxo (Spring growth)
- Euthymia (Cheerfulness/ Contentment)
- Hegemone (Leader).
Charities (Attendants of Aphrodite on vase paintings):
- Anthea (Blossoms/Flowers)
- Eudaemonia (Prosperity)
- Pannychis (Parties)
- Paedia (Play)
- Pandaesia (Banquet).
Greek underworld, Eleusinian Mysteries. |
Goddesses of Charm, Beauty, Nature, Human creativity and Fertility. |
Female |
- Zeus and Eurynome
- Dionysus and Aphrodite
- Helios and Aegle (Niaid)
- Dionysus and Hera
- Hephaestus and Aglaea.
- Apollo
- Ares
- Artemis
- Aphrodite
- Athena
- Dionysus
- Hebe
- Hermes
- Heracles
- Helen of Troy
- Hephaestus
- Perseus
- Minos
- the Muses.
The Gratiae |
The attendants to Aphrodite and Hera. were depicted on vase paintings holding hands and dancing naked in a circle.
Aphrodite’s retinue included other younger Charities who looked after other pleasures including banqueting, floral decoration, happiness, rest and relaxation, play and amusement.
The Charities were also associated with the underworld and the Eleusinian mysteries, one of the first secret societies.
One of several Greek mythology groups which span several generations.
One of several female groups in mythology. |
The Crinaeae |
Only a few Crinaeae are known by name including:
- Aganippe and Myrtoessa dwelled in a well in Arcadia and helped to nurse Zeus
- The Sithnides were Naid nymphs associated with a fountain in Megara.
- Appias a Niad nymph and “The Appiades” in Roman mythology.
Nymphs, sub species of the Naiads. |
Female |
Unknown |
The Crinaeae were Niad nymphs associated with fountains and wells. One of the Greek mythology groups with an incomplete list of names. |
The Curetes
(The Kuretes/
Kouretes) |
There were three, five, or nine Curetes according to various accounts including:
- Melisseus3&6&24* (Honey/Beekeeping)
- Damneus10*
- Idaeus10* (Sharp sighted, Shake-a-shield)
- Prymneus10*
- Mimas Waddlefoot10*
- Ocythoos10* (Swift footed)
- Pyrrhichus10&13&12*
- Cyrbas10*
- Paeoneus/
- Iasius12*
- Idas12*
Associated, and easily confused with, the Cyclopes and the Telchines |
Rustic demigods of the mountain side. |
Male |
- The Dactyls and Hecaterides
- (or Gaia and the blood of Uranus1*).
Unknown |
Chosen by Rhea to guard and raise Zeus in a cave on Mount Ida in Crete. Their frenzied dancing in armor with spears and shields clashing drowned out the cries of Zeus to keep him safe from Cronus. One of the Greek mythology groups with a disputed number of members. |
The Cyclops |
There were three elder Cyclops parthenogenetic offspring of Gaia:
- Brontes (thunder)
- Strops (lightning bolt)
- Arges1* (vivid flash).
According to Nonnus there were three four younger Cyclops:
- Elatreus (forged iron).
- Euryalus (wide-stepping, sea-roaming).
- Halimedes (sea-ruling).
- Trachius (rugged, fast-moving).
Giants |
Uranus and Gaia |
Cyclopes |
Cyclops were orb-eyed, immortal giants.
The elder Cyclops, along with the Hekatonkheires, were locked away in Tartarus at birth by Uranus.
They were also imprisoned by Cronus in Tartarus before being released by Zeus. In gratitude the Cyclops forged lightning bolts for Zeus, the storm-raising trident for Poseidon and the helm (cap) of invisibility for Hades.
The younger four Cyclops where killed by Apollo to avenge the death of Asclepius who was killed by Zeus using a lightning bolt. One of the most famous Greek mythology groups which spans generations. |
The Dactyls (The Fingers, the Daktyloi) |
Named Dactyl brothers:
- Titias (hero)
- Cyllenus6*
- Acmon (the Anvil)
- Celmis (the Smelter)
- Damnameneus (the Hammer) maybe
- Scythes (inventor of iron smelting)
- Heracles
- Delas.
Associated, and easily confused with, the Cyclopes and the Telchines. |
Rustic demigods |
Male |
- Hecaterus (minor god) and Anchiale (daughter of Phoroneus, son of Inachus and Oceanid Melia or Archia).
The Hecaterides |
- the Satyrs
- the Oreads
- the Curetes.
Rustic gods |
The Dactyls, originally from Phrygia, lived at the foot of mount Ida in Crete. They were mysterious sorcerers who discovered iron and the art of working it using fire and other inventions.
The five brothers of the Dactyls were married to the five sisters of the Hecaterides. |
The Daimones Proseoous |
Six unnamed sea-gods. |
Associated with the Telchines |
Sea Gods |
Male |
- Poseidon and Halia24*
- or Zeus and Himalia, nymph.
- Poseidon and Halia:
- Zeus and Himalia:
- Kronios.
- Spartaios.
- Kytos.
Sea Gods |
Six sea gods from the island of Rhodes that drove Aphrodite away when she wanted to land. Aphrodite drove them mad and they raped their mother, Halia, who threw herself into the sea in shame. Poseidon was furious and cast them into the dark sea-caves beneath Rhodes. |
Eleionomae |
No known names. |
Nymphs, sub species of the Naiads. |
Female |
Unknown |
The Eleionomae lived in fresh water wetlands and marshes. They used their beauty to seduce young virgin boys and also led travelers astray with illusions of their loved ones. One of many Greek mythology groups without any names. |
The Erinyes
(The Furies) |
- Alecto (unnameable / endless)
- Megaera (grudging /jealous rage)
- Tisiphone (avenging murder / vengeful destruction)
- and others…
Lyssa, the Maniae |
Chthonic (underworld) goddesses of vengeance. |
Female. |
- Zeus’ blood.
- or parthenogenetic offspring99* of Nyx.
The Dirae |
The Erinyes were crones who lived in Erebus. They listened to complaints from mortals and punished the culprits by tormenting them to death. One of the Greek mythology groups with an incomplete list of names. |
The Erotes |
- Anteros (love returned)
- Eros (love, desire)
- Himeros (impetuous love or pressing desire)
- Pothus (Longing, yearning)
Gods of love and sexual desire |
- Erebus and Nyx3*
- or Nyx1* alone by parthenogenesis99*
Unknown |
Winged gods, part of Aphrodite’s retinue each associated with different aspects of love and desire |
The Gigantes |
There were 100 giants in total including:
- Agasthenes
- Agrius clubbed to death by the Moirai with maces of bronze
- Aegaeon slain by Artemis by arrows
- Alcyoneus a king of the Gigantes, slain by Hercules with arrows
- Aristaeus the only survivor of the Gigantomachy97* because Gaia hid him as a dung beetle
- Astraeus maybe the same person as the Titan of the same name
- Azeus fought in the titan wars, an ancestor of the Arcadian kings
- Damysus so fast so when slain Chiron extracted the speed of his feet and placed it in the heel of Achilles
- Emphytus
- Enceladus fought Athena and fled so she crushed him beneath mount Etna
- Ephialtes, slain by Apollo and Hercules, each pierced one of the Gigante’s eyes with their arrows
- Euboeus
- Euphorbus
- Euryalus
- Eurymedon the king of the gigantes who led them to their doom in the Gigantomachy97*
- Eurytus slain by Dionysus with his thyrsos (pine-cone tipped staff)
- Hippolytus slain by Hermes with his sword wearing Hades cap of invisibility
- Hyperbius
- Iapetus probably the Titan of the same name
- Chthonius
- Clytius immolated by the torches of Hecate in the Gigantomachy97*
- Coeus probably the Titan of the same name
- Leon fought divine hero Heracles in single combat during the Gigantomachy97*
- Heracles won and made a protective cloak from his skin
- Mimas was slain by Hephaestus with a volley of molten iron then finished of by Heracles in the Gigantomachy97*
- Mimon killed by Ares in the Gigantomachy97*and was perhaps the same as Mimas “molios” the Gigante opponent of the sun-god Helios who was slain after fierce fighting on the isle of aiaia. From his blood sprung the magical moly plant
- Mylinus slain by Zeus on Crete
- Olympus, foster father of Zeus, who encouraged the Gigantes to rebel against the Titan gods
- Otus, possibly one of the Aloadae giants of the same name, but this is disputed
- Uranian
- Pallas maybe the Titan of the same name, killed by Athena in the Gigantomachy97*
Athena used his goat like skin to make the protective and magical Aegis shield
- Pancrates
- Peloreus had many arms and in the Gigantomachy97* wielded mount Pelion
- Periboea youngest daughter of Eurymedon, king of the gigantes, probably a giantess
- Phoetius slain by Hera in the Gigantomachy97*
- Polybotes fled the battlefield in the Gigantomachy97* and was crushed under the rock of Nisyros on Kos by Poseiden
- Porphyrion, king of the Gigantes, tried to rape Hera in the Gigantomachy97* Zeus struck him down with a thunderbolt and Heracles shot him with an arrow
- Rhoecus
- Syceus chased by Zeus to Cilicia where Gaia transformed him into a fig tree to escape Theodamas
- Theodamas
- Theomises
- Thoon clubbed to death in the Gigantomachy97* by the Moirai (Fates) with maces of bronze
- Typhoeus slain by Dionysos in the war against the Gigantomachy97*.
Giants |
Male |
Gaia impregnated by the blood from the castration of Uranus. |
A race of men born from the blood of the slain Gigantes. |
Unknown |
Gaia urged the Gigantes to wage war on the gods in the Gigantomachy97*.
All the Gigantes died in the battle apart from Aristaeus who Gaia disguised as a dung beetle.
Many of the Gigantes were buried under volcanoes, rocks and islands. It was believed volcanic activity and earthquakes were the Gigantes stirring. One of the Greek mythology groups with a fixed number but an incomplete list of names.
The Gigantes were one of the Greek mythological groups of warriors. |
The Gorgons (Dreadful) |
Creatures, monsters |
Female |
- Gorgon Medusa: Phorcys and Ceto
- Gorgons Stheno and Euryale: Typhon and Echidna.
- With Gorgon Medusa
- Pegasus
- Chrysaor.
Unknown |
The Gorgons were winged monsters with grotesque faces and live venomous snakes for hair: Stheno and Euryale, were immortal and mortal Medusa.
Medusa was a one time lover of Poseidon with a gaze that turned all onlookers into stone instantly – and they remained stone even after death. Medusa was killed by Greek hero and demigod Perseus. |
The Harpies
(Harpy sisters)
Spirit goddesses |
Female |
- Thaumas (wondrous) and Electra (amber), a cloud nymph
- or Ozomene3*.
Unknown |
The Harpies were goddess spirits of sudden, sharp gusts of wind. Also known as the “Hounds of Zeus” who dispatched the Harpies to snatch people and things away from the Earth. In Greek mythology the Harpies are typically depicted as lovely haired creatures1* with wings. In later Roman accounts as birds with ugly human faces. |
Hecaterides |
Five unnamed sisters. |
Nymphs |
Female |
- Hecaterus (minor god) and unnamed daughter of Phoroneus. Son of Inachus and Oceanid Melia or Archia.
The Dactyls |
- the Satyrs
- the Oreads
- the Curetes.
Unknown |
The five sisters of the Hecaterides were married to the five brothers of the Dactyls and known collectively as “the Fingers” which could because there were five (or ten) of them or because they were the fingers that served the hand of Rhea. One of the Greek mythology groups with a fixed number but no names.
Hekaton-kheires (Hecaton-chires) |
The three Hekatonkheires (hundred-handed) are:
- Cottus (the furious)
- Briareos (vigorous)
- Gyges/Gyes (big-limbed).
Primordial deities |
Male |
Uranus and Gaia |
Unknown |
The Hecatonchires along with the Cyclops were locked away in Tartarus at birth by Uranus. The Hekatonkheires are one of the smaller Greek mythology groups with a fixed number of members. |
The Hesperides |
There are probably three Hesperides but there could be four or seven depending on which sources are referenced:
- Hesiod cites 3:
- Aigle/Aegle (dazzling light)
- Erytheia /
- Hesperethusa /
Hesperathusa /
Hesperarethusa (ox-eyed sunset glow)
- Hyginus cites 3:
- Apollonius of Rhodes cites 3:
- Aigle
- Erytheis
- Hespere/Hespera.
- Peter Parley (1839 cites 3:
- Ægle
- Arethusa
- Hesperethusa.
- A Pyxis vessel illustrates 3:
- Hippolyte
- Mapsaura
- Thetis.
- Pseudo-Apollodorus 4:
- Aigle
- Erytheia
- Hesperia /
- Arethusa.
- Fulgentius cites 4:
- Aegle
- Hesperie
- Medusa
- Arethusa.
- Ancient vase painting illustrates 4:
- Asterope
- Chrysothemis
- Hygieia
- Lipara.
- Petrus Apianus cites 7 nymph daughters of Atlas and Hesperis:
- Aegle
- Erythea
- Arethusa
- Hestia
- Hespera
- Hesperusa
- Hespereia.
- Ancient vase paintings illustrates seven:
- Aiopis
- Antheia
- Donakis
- Kalypso
- Mermesa
- Nelisa
- Tara.
Minor goddesses of charm, beauty, nature, human creativity, and fertility. |
Female |
- Erebus and Nyx3*.
- Nyx1* alone by parthenogenesis99*
- Atlas or Zeus with either Hesperis or Themis
- Phorcys and Ceto or Hesperus.
- From Erebus and Nyx:
- Aether
- Hemera
- the Keres
- the Moirai
- the Oneiroi.
- From Nyx by parthenogenesis99*:
- Apate
- Eris
- Geras
- Hypnos
- Momus
- Moros
- Nemesis
- Oizys
- Philotes
- Thanatos
- the Keres
- the Moirai
- the Oneiroi.
Unknown |
The Hesperides are nymphs, of the evening and golden light of sunset and daughters of the night/evening.
The Hesperides guard the golden apples and tend a peaceful garden located at the western corner of the world, near the Atlas mountains on the edge of the encircling Oceanus world-ocean. One of the Greek mythology groups with a disputed number of members. |
The Hyades |
The number of Hyades ranges from 3 to 15. The earliest sources cite three with later sources extending the list to 15 which include:
- Aesyle
- Ambrosia
- Cleeia
- Coronis
- Eudora
- Pedile
- Phaeo/Phaeote
- Phyto
- Polyxo
- Thyone and Prodice (maybe daughters of Hyas and Aethra).
Female |
- Atlas and Pleione
- Atlas and Aethra (an Oceanid)
- or Hyas and Boeotia.
- Hyas (son of Titan)
- the Hesperides
- the Pleiades.
Unknown |
The Hyades are a sisterhood of nymphs that bring rain. They may have tutored Dionysus. Hyginus, Ovid and the Suda suggest the Hyades were subject to aging. Dionysus expressed his gratitude for raising him by asking Medea to restore their youth. After Hyas was killed in a hunting accident the Hyades wept with grief and were transformed into the Hyades cluster of stars located in the head of the Taurus constellation. One of several Greek mythology groups with a disputed number of members. |
The Horae (The Hours, the Seasons). |
First generation triad: Offspring of Zeus and Aphrodite (linked to the classical three seasons of the year):
- Thallo/Thalatte: Bringer of blossoms/flora) goddess of Spring and blooming and protecting young people
- Auxo/Auxesia: Personifcation of Summer and protector of plants, growth and fertility
- Carpo: Bringer of food. Autumn/Fall ripening and harvesting. She also guarded the path to Mount Olympus and hid it behind the clouds.
Second generation triad: Offspring of Zeus and Themis for law and order:
- Dice/Dike (Justice): Goddess of moral justice placed on earth to rule over human justice by Zeus. Her epithet Dike Astraea, goddess of innocence and purity, is associated with Virgo, the maiden constellation, said to represent Astraea
- Eunomia (Order): Goddess of law and legislation
- Eirene/Irene (Peace): Personification of peace and wealth, depicted as a beautiful young woman.
Third triad: Hyginus describes a third triad:
- Pherusa : Goddess of substance and farm estates
- Euporie/Euporia : Goddess of abundance
- Orthosie/Orthosia : Goddess of prosperity.
Nonnus in Dionysiaca describes a fourth set of four Horae as the daughters of Helios and Selene who he describes as the four handmaidens of Hera, the Seasons:
- Eiar (Spring)
- Theros (Summer)
- Phthinoporon (Autumn / Fall)
- Cheimon (Winter).
Goddesses of the seasons, law and the natural order of time. |
- The Horae 1st Generation:
Zeus and Aphrodite.
- The Horae 2nd Generation:
Zeus and Themis3*
- The Horae Seasons:
Helios and Selene10*.
The Horae (2nd generation offspring of Jupiter and Justitia):
- Dice/Dike (Justice)
- Eunomia (No Roman equivalent)
- Pax (Peace).
The Horae guarded the gates of Olympus, promoted the fertility of the Earth and rallied the stars and constellations.
One of several Greek mythology groups which span several generations. |
Ichthyo-centaurs (Ikhthyo-kentauroi). |
The Ichthyocentaurs were Bythos (Sea-Depths) and Aphros (Sea-Foam). |
Sea Gods |
Male |
Chronos and Philyra20* |
Unknown |
The Ichthyocentaurs were centaurines with the head and torso of male humans, the lower front of a horse and the serpentine tail of a fish, crowned with lobster-claw horns. Set in the sky as the Pisces constellation by Zeus. |
The Judges of the dead |
- Minos
- Rhadamanthus
- Aeacus
- (possibly) Triptolemos25*.
Deified mortals |
Male |
- Zeus and Europa:
- Zeus and Aegina:
- Oceanus and Gaia:
Unknown |
The three Judges of the dead were originally mortal men and sons of Zeus. In death they were rewarded for establishing law and order on Earth with the role of Judge of the dead. Aeacus was the guardian of the keys of Hades and judge of men of Europe.
Rhadamanthus was the Lord of Elysium and judge of men of Asia. Minos had the third and final vote. In Plato Apology25* a fourth judge, Triptolemos, presided over the souls of Initiates of the Elysium Mysteries. One of the Greek mythology groups with a fixed number of members. |
The Keres (Ker) |
Death spirits:
- Anaplekte (Quick, painful death)
- Akhlys (Mist, of death)
- Nosos (Disease)
- Ker (Destruction)
- Stygere (Hateful)
- and other personifications.
Goddesses of violent death |
Female |
- Erebus and Nyx3*
- or Nyx1* alone by parthenogenesis99*.
- From Erebus and Nyx:
- Aether.
- Hemera.
- the Hesperides.
- the Moirai.
- From Nyx by parthenogenesis99*:
- Apate.
- Eris.
- Geras.
- Hypnos.
- Momus.
- Moros.
- Nemesis.
- Oizys.
- Philotes.
- Thanatos.
- the Hesperides.
- the Moirai.
Unknown. |
The Keres were female spirits of violent or cruel death including death in battle, murder, ravaging disease or by accident. The Keres were depicted as fanged and taloned women dressed in bloody garments.
Hesiod indirectly suggests the Keres may have been the evil spirits released from Pandora’s box.
One of the Greek mythology groups with an incomplete list of names. |
The Laestrygones (Laistrygones) |
The Laestrygones were a tribe of giant cannibals numbered in thousands. Founded by Laistrygon. Their names are unknown apart from King Antiphates. |
Giants |
Both |
Poseiden and Gaia1*. |
Unknown |
The Laestrygonians were a tribe of cannibal giants encountered by Odysseus on his journey home to Ithaca. The Laestrygonians lived somewhere in the far north in a land where the sun rose shortly after it set.
On his journey home to Ithaca Odysseus and his twelve ships approached the Laesrygonian city of Telepylus/Telepylos. A cove surrounded by steep rocky cliffs with a narrow entrance between two headlands looked like a good harbor so the captains sailed into the cove and tied up to each others ships.Odysseus tied his ship to a rock outside the bay and climbed the headland and spotted a wisp of smoke he sent two sailors and a messenger to scout the area. They were eventually directed to giant King Antiphates’ house where he snatched up and killed the messenger so the sailors fled chased by thousands of Laestrygonians giants who threw rocks from the cliffs and speared the crew like fish to eat.Odysseus, and his crew, managed to escape and sailed to Aeaea, the home of Circe, having lost his army and fleet. One of the Greek mythology groups with an incomplete list of names. |
The Limnads or Limnatides |
The named Limnads were:
- The Astakides: Nymphs of lake Astakos in Bithynia
- Limnaee: Daughter of Ganges, Indian river god, and possible mother of Athis4*
- Pallas: Daughter of Triton
- Tritonis: Nymph of the homonymous salt-water lake in Libya11*.
Nymphs, sub species of the Naiads |
Female |
Unknown |
The Limnads were Naiads, water nymphs, that dwelled in freshwater lakes. One of the Greek mythology groups with an incomplete list of names. |
The Maniae |
Lyssa, the Erinyes |
Female |
Nyx (presumably) |
Unknown. |
Personified spirit, or group of spirits, of insanity, madness, and crazed frenzy. One of the Greek mythology groups with an unknown number and unnamed members. |
The Maenads (the Bassarids, Bacchae or Bacchantes). |
- Alcimacheia: Daughter of Harpalion, a vintner
- Bromie: Attempted to kill Lycurgus along with:
- Cisseis
- Clite
- Eriphe
- Phlio
- Polyxo
- Theope
- Gigarto (also tried to kill Lycurgus, killed by Indian general Morrheus)
- Calybe: Followed Dionysus in the Indian War and survived along with:
- Gorge
- Melictaina
- Myrto
- Nyse
- Oenone
- Codone: Followed Dionysus in the Indian War but was killed by Indian general Morrheus along with:
- Eurypyle
- Soe
- Staphyle
- Sterope
- Terpsichore: Followed Dionysus in the Indian War and drove away the Indian army with her dance
- Chalcomede: Followed Dionysus in the Indian War. Morrheus fell in love with her when he was hit by an arrow from Eros
- Charopeia: Leader of the Bacchic dance)
- Chorea: Followed Dionysus against Argos, killed by Perseus
- Coronis: Raped by Thracian Butes, Dionysus drove him mad and died when he threw himself into a well
- Phasyleia: Maid of Methe and leader of the Bacchanal dance.
Mortal |
Female |
- Harpalion and unknown mother:
Unknown. |
The Maenads were human female devotees of the retinue of Dionysus, usually depicted as drunken revelers in the Bacchic dance.
Methe (personification of Drunkenness) was in Dionysus’s retinue.
Lycurgus, king of the Edoni in Thrace, banned the cult of Dionysus and imprisoned the Maenads or drove them out of Thrace using cattle prods. Dionysus took his revenge by driving Lycurgus insane and cursed the land of Thrace. In his madness Lycurgus killed his son and was killed by his people so Dionysus would lift his curse. One of the Greek mythology groups with an incomplete list of names. |
The Meliae (Ash Tree Nymphs) |
The Meliae is a sisterhood that appear together and are referred to in the plural. Hersoid mentions Melia, daughter of Oceanus married to Inachus (her brother and river god and their Meliae offspring were:
- Io
- Phoroneus
- Aegialeus or Phegeus
- Philodice.
Melia is also mentioned in other stories as the mother of Amycus by Poseidon. |
Nymphs |
Female |
- Inachus and Melia.
- Poseidon and Melia.
- the Erinyes
- the Gigantes.
- With Inachus and Melia:
- Io
- Phoroneus
- Aegialeus or Phegeus
- Philodice
- With Poseidon and Melia:
Unknown |
The Meliae appeared from the blood spilled when Cronus castrated Uranus along with the Erinyes and the Gigantes. Mankind of the age of Bronze sprang from the Meliae. One of the smaller Greek mythology groups with a fixed number of members and complete list of names.
The Minyades or Minyads. |
- Alcathoe / Alcithoe
- Leucippe / Leuconoe
- Arsippe / Aristippa / Arsinoe.
the Erinyes |
Female |
King Minyas of Orchomenus and an unknown mother. |
Unknown |
Lyssa, is sent by Dionysos to drive the Minyades mad because they were neglecting their worship of Dionysus. They later join the Maenads. |
The Moirai (the Fates) |
- Clotho (Spinner)
- Lachesis (Allotter)
- Atropos (Unturnable).
white-robed incarnations of destiny. |
Female |
- Erebus and Nyx3*
- or Nyx1* alone by parthenogenesis99*
- or Zeus and Themis
- From Erebus and Nyx:
- Aether
- Hemera
- the Hesperides
- the Keres.
- From Nyx by parthenogenesis99*:
- Apate
- Eris
- Geras
- Hypnos
- Momus
- Moros
- Nemesis
- Oizys
- Philotes
- Thanatos
- the Hesperides
- the Oneiroi.
Parcae |
The Moirai were birth-goddesses who apportioned the lifespan of each mortal as they enter the world.
The Moirai control the threads of fate and were independent – even from the gods. |
The Moliones (Molionidai) |
Eurytus and Cteatus |
Mortal |
Male |
- Poseidon and Molione
- or Actor (son of Phorbas and Hyrmine, King of Elis) and Molione.
- Eurytus with Theraephone:
- Cteatus with Therenice:
Unknown |
The brothers Eurytus and Cteatus were born conjoined with one body but two heads, four arms and four legs.
Eurytus and Cteates married twin daughters Theraephone and Therenice of Dexamenus and had sons Thalpius and Amphimachus. The Moliones were prominent Achaean leaders during the Trojan War. The Molionides led an army again their uncle Augeas at Heracles request but they later attacked Heracles and he killed them outside Cleonae. |
The Muses
[Boeatian] |
The original 3 Boeotian muses11*:
- Melete (muse of meditation and practice)
- Mneme (muse of memory)
- Aoide / Aoede (muse of Song).
The 5 Boeotian muses added:
- Thelxinoe (mind charmer)
- Arche (Origins).
Sister goddesses of literature, science, and the arts. |
Female |
Uranus and Gaia |
- Apollo
- Ares
- Artemis
- Aphrodite
- Athena
- Dionysus
- Hebe
- Hermes
- Heracles
- Helen of Troy
- Hephaestus
- Perseus
- Minos
- the Charities.
Unknown |
Three sister goddesses of literature, science, and the arts worshipped on Mount Helicon in Boeotia. |
The Nine Muses
(also known as the Water nymphs and singing women)
[Olympian] |
The later mythical group of nine muses1*&2* (also adopted in Roman mythology):
- Calliope “She of beatiful voice” muse of epic poetry. Leader often depicted holding a writing tablet
- Clio “Proclaimer” muse of history often depicted holding a scroll
- Erato “Lovely” muse of love poetry often depicted playing a lyre
- Euterpe “Well pleasing” muse of music often depicted playing a flute
- Melpomene “Songstress” muse of tragedy often depicted with a tragic mask
- Polymnia / Polyhymnia “She of many hymns” muse of sacred poetry
- Terpsichore “Delighting in the dance” muse of dance often depicted dancing
- Thalia “The Blooming” or “Luxurient” muse of comedy and pastoral poetry often depicted with a comedy mask
- Urania “Heavenly” muse of astronomy often depicted holding a globe.
Sister water nympth goddesses of literature, science, and the arts. |
Female |
Zeus and Mnemosyne (“memory”)
- Apollo
- Ares
- Artemis
- Aphrodite
- Athena
- Dionysus
- Hebe
- Hermes
- Heracles
- Helen of Troy
- Hephaestus
- Perseus
- Minos
- the Charities.
Although collectively the nine muses were described as unmarried they are cited as the mothers of famous sons in Greek mythology including:
- Orpheus (Greek hero and son of Calliope and Oeagrus)
- Rhesus (King of Thrace and son of either Calliope, Euterpe or Terpsichore and river god Strymon.
The Muses |
Zeus lay with Mnemosyne for nine consecutive days which lead to the birth of the Nine Muses led by Calliope. |
The Naiads |
Aba, Abarbarea, Aegina, Aegle, Aia, Alcinoe, Alexirhoe, Anchinoe, Anchiroe, Anippe, Annaed, Anthedon, Arethusa, Argyra
Bateia, Bistonis, Byzia (related to Byzantium).
Caliadne, Callirrhoe, Carmenta, Castalia, Charybdis, Cleochareia, Creusa
Daphne, Diogeneia, Diopatre, Drosera
Harpina, Herkyna
Ismenis, Langia, Lara, Lethe, Lilaea, Liriope
Melite, Memphis, Metope, Minthe, Moria
Nana, Neaera, Nicaea
Pegasis, Periboea, Pitane, Polyxo, Praxithea, Pronoe,
Salmacis, Sparta, Stilbe, Strymo, Styx
Telphousa, Thronia, Tiasa
and the Corycian nymphs:
- Corycia
- Cleodora / Kleodora
- Melaina.
Water nymphs |
Female |
Unknown |
The Naiads were Female water nymph spirits who presided over any fresh water including fountains, wells, springs, streams and brooks. Naiads could be jealous. Hylas of the Argo’s crew was lost when he was taken by naiads fascinated by his beauty.
Salmacis forced herself into a carnal embrace with young Hermaphroditus and, when he sought escape, they were merged into one androgynous form. Daphnis, a shepherd and lover of Nomia or Echenais had been unfaithful on more than occasion so she turned him to stone or blinded him. |
The Nereids |
There are 50 Nereids in total including:
Thetis (wife of Peleus, mother of Achillies and leader of the Nereids)
Actaea, Agaue, Amatheia, Amphinome, Amphithoe, Amphitrite (the youngest Nereid and wife of Poseidon), Apseudes, Arethusa, Asia, Autonoe,
Callianassa, Callianeira, Ceto, Clio, Clymene, Cranto, Creneis, Cydippe, Cymo, Cymatolege, Cymodoce, Cymothoe,
Deiopea, Dero, Dexamene, Dione, Doris, Doto, Drymo, Dynamene,
Eione, Ephyra, Erato, Euagore, Euarne, Eucrante, Eudore, Eulimene, Eumolpe, Eunice, Eupompe, Eurydice,
Galene, Galatea (lover of the Cyclops Polyphemus), Glauce, Glauconome,
Halie, Halimede, Hipponoe, Hippothoe,
Iaera, Ianassa, Ianeira, Ione, Iphianassa,
Laomedeia, Leiagore, Leucothoe, Ligea, Limnoreia, Lycorias, Lysianassa,
Maera, Melite, Menippe,
Nausithoe, Nemertes, Neomeris, Nerea, Nesaea, Neso,
Opis, Oreithyia,
Panopea, Panope, Pasithea, Pherusa, Phyllodoce, Plexaure, Ploto, Polynome, Pontomedusa, Pontoporeia, Poulynoe, Pronoe, Proto, Protomedeia, Psamathe,
Sao, Speio,
Thaleia, Themisto, Thoe,
This list of Nereids is compiled from Hesiod’s Theogony, Homer’s Iliad, Hyginus and the Bibliotheca so there are more than 50 names in total in the list. |
Sea Nymphs |
Nereus and Doris (sister of Nerites). |
Unknown. |
The Nereids are 50 sea nymphs that dwell in a golden palace in the depths of the Aegean Sea in the Mediterranean. Sea nymphs are beautiful and kind with melodious voices and they carry Poseidon’s (god of the sea) trident. The Nereids can help sailors in storms, as they helped the Argonauts to find the Golden Fleece. One of the Greek mythology groups with a fixed and complete list of names. |
The Nesoi |
Unknown |
Primordial goddesses of islands |
Female |
Gaia maybe? |
Unknown |
The Nesoi (islands) may have originally been Ourea (mountains) that Poseidon (god of the sea) cast under the sea, in a rage, with his trident. One of the Greek mythology groups with no names. |
The Oceanids (includes The Nephelai/
There are 3000 Oceanids in total including:
Oceanids who helped nurse Zeus: Anthracia, Glauke, Hagno, Ithome, Myrtoessa, Nede, Oinoe, Phrixa and Theisoa.
Oceanids who attended Artemis: Hyale, Nephele (not Nephele, goddess of clouds), Phiale, Psekas and Rhanis.
Other Oceanids:
Acaste, Admete, Aethra, Amaltheia, Amphiro, Amphitrite, Anchiroe, Argia, Asia (sister to Europa), Asterodia, Asterope (mother of Acragas with Zeus)
Beroe, Bolbe,
Cleodora, Callirrhoe, Calypso, Camarina, Capheira, Cerceis, Ceto, Chryseis, Clio, Clymene (wife of Iapetus), Clytie/Clytia, Crocale,
Daira/Daeira (mother of Eleusis with Hermes), Dione, Dodone, Doris (wife of sea god Nereus and mother of the fifty Nereides),
Electra (wife of Thaumas, mother of Iris, Arce/Arke and the Harpies), Ephyra, Euagoreis, Eudora, Europa, Eurynome,
Hesione (wife of Prometheus), Hippo,
Iakhe, Ianira, Ianthe, Idyia/Eidyia (wife of Aeetes and mother of Medea),
Leucippe, Lysithea,
Melia (sister of Caanthus), Meliboea, Melite, Melobosis, Menestho, Merope, Metis (first wife of Zeus, goddess of wisdom), Mopsopia,
Ocyrrhoe, Ozomene,
Pasithoe, Peitho, Periboea, Perse/Perseis (consort of Helios), Petraea, Phaino, Philyra (with Cronus, mother of Chiron), Pleione (with Atlas, mother of the Pleiades), Plexaure, Plouto/Pluto (with Zeus, mother of Tantalus), Polydora, Polyphe (possibly with Posiden, mother of Athena), Polyxo, Pronoia, Prymno,
Rhodea or Rhodeia, Rhodope,
Stilbo, Styx (Oceanid of the river Styx)
Telesto, Thoe, Tyche,
Urania (not the Muse Urania),
This list of Oceanids is compiled from Hesiod’s Theogony, Homer’s Iliad, Hyginus and other sources. Many names are unknown.
The Nephelai/Nephelae were Oceanid nymphs of clouds and rain. |
Sea nymphs |
Female |
Oceanus and Tethys |
Unknown. |
There are 3000 Oceanids in total. Each sea nymph is a patroness of a particular salt water river, sea, lake, pasture, flower or cloud. One of the Greek mythology groups with the most goddesses. |
The Oneiroi |
In Roman mythology Morpheus was the Oneiroi leader and reportedly had a thousand siblings4* including:
- Morpheus (Dreams)
- Phobetor (Nightmares)
- Icelos/Ikelos (People in prophetic dreams)
- Phantasos (Inanimate objects: Earth, rock, water, wood etc. in prophetic dreams).
Gods of dreams |
Male |
- Nyx1* alone by parthenogenesis99*
- or Zeus and Themis or Hypnos and Pasithea
- or parthenogenetic99* offspring of Gaia.
- Morpheus (Dreams)
- Phobetor (Nightmares)
- Icelos/Ikelos (People in prophetic dreams)
- Phantasos (Inanimate objects: Earth, rock, water, wood etc. in prophetic dreams)
- & 996 other siblings.
- From Nyx:
- Apate
- Eris
- Geras
- Hypnos
- Ker
- Momus
- Moros
- Nemesis
- Oizys
- Philotes
- Thanatos
- the Moirai
- the Hesperides
- the Keres.
Unknown |
The Oneiroi were Dream spirits and useful messengers from the gods to mortals. For example, during the Trojan war one of the Oneiroi was sent by Zeus to Agamemnon (king of Mycenae) to urge the Achaeans into war. |
The Oreads (Oreiades) |
Echo |
Nymphs of the mountain conifers. |
The eldest were daughters of the five Dactyls and five Hecaterides. |
Unknown |
Subsequent generations of Oreads were the offspring of elder Oreads and their brother Satyrs. |
The Ourea (Mountains) |
- Aitna.
- Athos
- Helikon / Helicon
- Cithaeron
- Nysos
- Olympus (in Thessaly)
- Olympus (in Anatolia)
- Oreios
- Parnes
- Tmolus.
Gods and goddesses of mountains. |
Male and Female |
parthenogenetic99* offspring of Gaia. |
Unknown |
Each mountain has its own spirit called an oread. Although individual mountains were not usually personified Tmolus was both a mountain and a king. |
The Pegaeae (Springs) |
Here are some of the known Pegaeae:
- Albunea (Roman mythology)
- Alexirhoe4&16*, daughter of the river god Grenikos
- The Anigrides11,12,16*, daughters of the river god Anigros, that were believed to cure skin diseases
- Archidemia
- Arethusa4&16*
- Castalia/Cassotis16*
- Comaetho, daughter or wife of river god Cydnus
- The Corycian nymphs: Coryceia, Cleodora, Daphnis and Melaina. Cyane
- The Cyrtonian nymphs16* which lived in springs in Cyrtones, Boeotia)
- The Deliades16*, daughters of Inopus, god of the river Inopus on Delos
- Dirce, transformed into a spring after her death
- Gargaphie/Plataia16* a daughter of the river god Asopus
- Hagno, one of the nurses of infant Zeus
- The Himerian naiads
- The Inachides, daughters of the river god Inachus:Amymone16*, Io, Messeis, Hyperia16*and Philodice
- The Ionides: Calliphaea, Iasis, Pegaea and Synallaxis
- Ismene6&16*
- The Ithacian nymphs who dwelled in sacred caves on Ithaca
- Langia
- The Leibethrides including Libethrias and Petra
- Magea
- Metope, wife of river god Asopus
- Milichie
- The Mysian naiads: Euneica, Malis and Nycheia who dwelled in the spring of Pegae near lake Askanios in Bithynia and kidnapped Hylas
- The Ortygian nymphs16* who dwelled in springs in Syracuse, Sicily)
- Pegasis, daughter of the river god Grenikos
- Peirene
- Pharmaceia, companion of Orithyia. Dwelled in a poisonous spring in Attika
- Psanis who dwelled in Arcadia
- The Rhyndacides16*, daughters of the river god Rhyndacus
- Salmacis
- The Spercheides, daughters of the river god Spercheus
- Strophia16* who dwelled in a spring on Mount Cithaeron near Thebes
- Telphousa
- Temenitis.
Nymphs, sub species of the Naiads |
Female |
Unknown |
The total number of Pegaeae nymphs is unknown.
The Pegaeae lived in springs and were great uncles of the river gods. One of the Greek mythology groups with an incomplete list of names. |
The Pleiades (Seven Sisters) |
The Seven Sisters:
- Maia, the eldest. Mother of Hermes by Zeus
- Electra, mother of Dardanus and Iasion by Zeus
- Taygete, mother of Lacedaemon (king of Laconia) by Zeus
- Alcyone, mother of Hyrieus, Hyperenor and Aethusa by Poseidon
- Celaeno, mother of Nycteus, Lycus (kings of Thebes in turn) and Eurypylus by Poseidon and Lycus and Chimaereus by Prometheus
- Sterope/Asterope, mother of Oenomaus by Ares
- Merope. the youngest was wooed by Orion. In some stories she became mortal by marrying Sisyphus and they had several sons together before she faded away.
Nymphs |
Atlas and Pleione (sea nymph). |
- Calypso
- Hyas
- the Hyades
- the Hesperides.
Unknown |
The Pleiades were companions of Artemis and, along with the Hyades, were called the Atlantides, Dodonides or Nysiades who were nursemaids and tutors to the infant Dionysus/Bacchus.
All seven sisters committed suicide after the Hyads, their half-sisters and daughters of Atlas, were transformed into stars.Zeus immortalized the Hyads by transforming them into stars, known today as the Plaides/Seven Sisters, located in the constellation of Taurus. The Pleiades are one of the Greek mythology groups with a fixed and complete list of names. |
The Potamoi (Potameides, Potami) |
There are 3000 Potamoi in total including:
Achelous / Akheloios, Acheron, Acragas, Aeas, Aegaeus, Aesar, Aesepus, Almo, Alpheus, Amnisos, Amphrysos, Anapos, Anauros, Anigros, Apidanus, Arar, Araxes, Ardescus, Arnos, Asopus, Asterion, Axius,
Baphyras, Borysthenes, Brychon,
Caanthus, Caicinus, Caicus, Cayster, Cebren, Cephissus, Chremetes, Cladeus or Kladeos, Clitumnus (Roman mythology), Cocytus, Cratais, Crinisus, Cydnos, Cytheros,
Elisson, Enipeus, Erasinus, Eridanus, Erymanthus, Euphrates, Eurotas, Evenus,
Ganges, Granicus,
Haliacmon, Halys, Hebrus, Heptaporus, Hermus, Hydaspes,
Ilissos, Imbrasos, Inachus, Indus, Inopos, Ismenus, Istrus or Ister,
Ladon, Lamos, Lethe (exceptionally feminine), Lycormas,
Marsyas, Maeander, Meles, Mincius,
Nestos, Nilus, Numicius, Nymphaeus,
Pactolus, Parthenius, Phasis, Phlegethon/
Pyriphlegethon, Phyllis, Peneus, Pleistos, Porpax
Rhesus, Rhine, Rhodius, Rhyndacus
Satnioeis, Sangarius, Scamander, Simoeis, Spercheus, Strymon, Symaethus,
Tanais, Termessus, Thermodon, Tiberinus (Roman mythology), Tigris and Titaressus. |
River gods |
Oceanus and Tethys |
Unknown |
The Potamoi were Gods of rivers and grassy meadows.
The Potamoi are:
- One of the Greek mythology groups with the most gods.
- One of the Greek mythology groups with an incomplete list of names.
- Our list of Potamoi gods is compiled from Hesiod’s Theogony, Homer’s Iliad, Hyginus and other sources. Many more names are unknown.
The Satyrs |
There were various types of Satyrs including:
- Panes goat-legged Satyrs
- Silens fat elderly Satyrs with balding (sometimes fluffy) hair and sometimes with Ox horns
- Satyriskoi (Satyrisci) child Satyrs
- Tityroi flute-playing Satyrs.
Satyrs consorted with nymphs and were companions to various male and female gods including Dionysus. |
Rustic fertility spirits of the countryside and wilds. |
Male |
- the Dactyls
- the Hecaterides.
The Oreads |
more Oreads |
Satyri, Fauni |
The Satyrs were animalistic, furry with ass-like ears and tails, snub noses. As companions of Dionysus they were depicted playing flutes, drinking, dancing and raving with the Maenads, who were followers of Dionysus. |
The Telchines |
- Actaeus
- Lycus
- Megalesios
- Ormenos1*.
- Damnameneus (Hammer)
- Scythes (who invented iron smelting)10*
- Damon: Chief of the Telchines22*.
Associated, and easily confused with the Cyclopes, the Dactyls and the Curetes. |
Sea gods |
Male |
- Pontus and Gaia16*
- Tartarus and Nemesis or Gaia from the blood of Uranus’ genitals along with the Erinyes
- or Pontus and Thalassa or Poseiden10*.
Unknown |
The Telchines were natives of the islands of Kea (Keos/Ceos) and Rhodes. Magicians and smiths which invented metal working. Telchines were said to have the heads of dogs and fish fins for hands. They crafted the sickle used by Cronus to castrate Uranus and Poseiden’s trident. The Telchines use of magic angered Zeus who cast them to Tartarus. |
The Themeides. |
Three unnamed nymph goddesses. |
Nymphs |
Female |
Zeus and Themis6* |
Unknown |
The Themeides were prophets and keepers of divine artifacts. |
Excellent list of deities – I just completed my Tree of Life with them.
Very well written which will be useful to everyone who uses it – myself included. Keep up the good work – i will definitely read more posts.